Manga |
Genma Wars: Eve of Mythology (幻魔大戦 神話前夜の章) is a manga spin-off of the Genma Wars franchise by Shotaro Ishimori, which serialized in Tokuma Shoten' s monthly "Ryu magazine from May 1979 to November 1981.
The series takes place in the original timeline where the world was conquered by Genma. Humans now live in primitive societies, while the planet is ruled by a race of intelligent Genma beasts serving Maoh King, who now plans to give birth to an heir by raping a human woman. However, said woman, Non, manages to run away with the resultant children, two male twins named Loof and Jin, who swear to stop their father. After defeating Maoh, they travel to the past in an attempt to prevent the existence of their terrible world, but agents of Genma from the past spoil their plan by provoking a nuclear war in substitution of the original Genma victory. Nonetheless, Loof and Jin take over the new timeline, ensuring a better future for mankind there.