World of Shotaro Ishinomori

009-1 is a Japanese espionage manga series created by Shotaro Ishinomori. The manga was serialized in the Futabasha publication Weekly Manga Action from August 10th, 1967 to March 5th, 1970, then returned briefly in 1974.

The Japanese title of the manga was 009ノ1, or "Zero Zero Ku-no-ichi", a pun on kunoichi (female ninja) and a reference to the main character's espionage occupation.

It was adapted into the following media:

  • A live-action drama series entitled Flower Action 009-1.
  • An anime series by Ishimori Entertainment which broadcasted on TBS TV in 2006.
  • A 2013 live-action film adaptation entitled 009-1: The End of the Beginning directed by Koichi Sakamoto and starring Mayuko Iwasa.




Originally when published in 1967, the manga's plot took place in 1985, with Mylene having joined the organization two years prior. It was also a point that she had been born in 1965. However, as time passed, the 1980s setting was no longer relevant for a futuristic story. The manga's setting was thus updated to take place in 2065. The title was also changed over time, from 009ノ1 (creating a double pun with "ku-no-ichi"/kunoichi) to 009-1, more directly referencing Mylene's codename.



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